This is a thing I've been working on for basically half a year now, despite which it's really not anywhere near complete, but I thought I'd get it playable.
MEGA download for VASSAL extension (0.1.9)
It's not designed to be balanced vs. OT+ ships, if parts of it are that's nothing but a happy accident. Hopefully I've managed to make it more or less balanced vs. itself, but hey, minimal testing.LAAT/i Expansion Pack:
I was originally going to have a semi-complex reload/delayed fire system for missiles and torpedoes, but it proved a bit clunky. There might still be references to it on some cards that haven't been updated, but there's only one real rules tweak, which I adopted to smooth out some elements and hopefully sidestep an OT+ pitfall.
"When attacking with a TURRET PRIMARY WEAPON or an AUXILIARY FIRING ARC, if you are targeting a ship outside your primary firing arc, reduce your Primary Weapon Value by 1."
This has a useful effect on several ships. It provides the proper rear-arc firepower for the ARC-170, prevents the Havoc from being a nasty PWT while running away, and makes the Firespray's rear arc less broken. Doesn't really affect the Nantex one way or the other since the thing is a dervish.
Anyway, enough preamble that hasn't actually defined the scope of this project: this is an unfinished but fairly comprehensive set of ships, pilots, and upgrades for ships from the ~30-20BBY era.
Battle for Naboo Core Set:
ARC-170 Expansion Pack:
- flavour text - Bravo Squadron Pilot (N-1 Starfighter)
- flavour text - DFS Mk.2 Droid (Vulture Droid)
- choose/create upgrades - 2 upgrades
Delta-7 Aethersprite Expansion Pack:
- flavour text - Flight Seven Pilot
- flavour text - Razor Squadron Pilot
- create upgrade - •astromech
- create upgrade - •crew
Eta-2 Actis Expansion Pack:
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- upgrade text - R4 Astromech
- upgrade text - •R7-D4
N-1 Starfighter Expansion Pack:
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- upgrade text - •R2-D2
- upgrade text - •R3-D5
- upgrade text - •R4-M6
V-19 Torrent Expansion Pack:
- create upgrade - EPT
- upgrade text - Autopilot
- upgrade tweak - Proton Torpedoes
- create upgrade - •astromech
- upgrade text - •R2-A6
V-Wing Expansion Pack:
- flavour text - Ghost Sq. Pilot
- flavour text - Arrow Sq. Pilot
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
BTL-B Y-Wing Expansion Pack:
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - Missile
- choose/create upgrade - Crew
- choose/create upgrade - Crew
- choose/create upgrade - Crew
- upgrade text - •Lucky Lekku
- upgrade text - •Muunilinst 10
- choose/create upgrade - Astromech
- choose/create upgrade - Astromech
HMP Droid Expansion Pack:Havoc Expansion Pack:
Star Skiff Expansion Pack:
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - missile
- upgrade text - Cruise Missiles
- choose/create upgrade - crew
- upgrade text - •Nym
- upgrade text - •Kole
- choose/create upgrade - modification
- choose/create upgrade - modification
- upgrade text - •Havoc
Jedi Aces Expansion Pack:
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - system
- create upgrade - •crew
- create upgrade - •crew
- choose/create upgrade - crew
- choose/create upgrade - modification
- choose/create upgrade - modification
Belbullab-22 Expansion Pack:
- choose/create •pilot - Delta-7 Aethersprite
- choose/create •pilot - Delta-7 Aethersprite
- choose/create •pilot - Delta-7 Aethersprite
- choose/create •pilot - Eta-2 Actis
- choose/create •pilot - Eta-2 Actis
- choose/create •pilot - Eta-2 Actis
- choose/create upgrades - 5 upgrades
Droid Tri-fighter Expansion Pack:
- flavour text - OOM Pilot Droid
- flavour text - Techno Union Ace
- choose/create upgrade - system
Geonosian Starfighter Expansion Pack:
- flavour text - Wing 91 Droid (might drop to invent PS6 unique)
- flavour text - Trident Group Droid
- flavour text - Hunter-Killer Droid
- choose/create upgrade - missile
- choose/create upgrade - modification
Hyena Droid Expansion Pack:
- flavour text - Hive Pilot
- flavour text - Confessor Group Pilot
- flavour text - Picador Group Pilot
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
Porax-38 Expansion Pack:
- flavour text - Assault Wing Droid
- flavour text - Strike Wing Droid
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - torpedo
- choose/create upgrade - missile
Vulture Droid Expansion Pack:
- flavour text - Skyforce Pilot (might change name)
- flavour text - MagnaGuard Pilot
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - system
- choose/create upgrade - crew
- upgrade text - •Cad Bane
- upgrade text - Energy Torpedoes
- upgrade text - Discord Missiles
- choose/create upgrade - modification
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - Missile
- choose/create upgrade - Cannon
- choose/create upgrade - Modification
Sheathipede Expansion Pack:Sith Infiltrator Expansion Pack:
Slave I Expansion Pack:
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - crew
- upgrade text - •Darth Maul
- upgrade text - •Scimitar
- flavour text - Kuati System Enforcer
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- upgrade tweak - Homing Missiles
- choose/create upgrade - crew
- choose/create upgrade - crew
- upgrade text - •Jango Fett
- upgrade text - •Zam Wesell
- choose/create upgrade - modification
- upgrade text - •Slave I
- choose/create upgrade - EPT
- choose/create upgrade - crew
- choose/create upgrade - crew
- upgrade text - •General Grievous
- upgrade text - •Nute Gunray
Now on to the actual meat of the project:
Battle for Naboo Core Set:
N-1 Starfighter:
Vulture Droid:
- 2V/2/3/2
- Focus, Target Lock, Barrel Roll, Evade
- System, Torpedo, Astromech
R/ /_ W/ /R _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/W/G/G/G/W/R _/_/W/G/W/_
- 2V/3/2/0
- Focus, Evade, Target Lock
- Torpedo, Missile (late versions)
_/ /_ W/ /_ R/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/W/G/G/G/W/_ _/W/G/_/G/W
N-1 Starfighter:
Vulture Droid:
- PS2 Echo Flight Pilot (19pts, "Representing the pinnacle of Naboo military technology, the agile N-1 carries twin laser cannons and proton torpedoes, an armament well-suited to the patrol and escort roles it performs.")
- PS4 Bravo Squadron Pilot (21pts, [generic text])
- PS5 •Rhys Dallows (23pts, EPT, "When you are defending, the attacker cannot reroll dice results.")
- PS8 •Ric Olié (26pts, EPT, "At the start of the Combat phase, if you are not stressed, choose 1 enemy ship at Range 1-3. Each friendly ship at Range 1 may acquire a target lock on that ship.")
- PS1 DFS Mk.1 Droid (11pts, [generic text])(yes, 9 ships. HULL2, though)
- PS3 DFS Mk.2 Droid (12pts, [generic text])
- PS3 •DFS-327 (13pts, "When you perform a primary weapon attack, you may change one of your <damage> results to a <critical> result.")
- PS4 •DFS-1308 (14pts, "Immediately before an enemy ship activates, you may guess the bearing of its maneuver dial. If you are correct, assign 1 focus token to your ship.")(needs once-per-turn reword)
- PS5 •DFS-1138 (16pts, EPT, "When defending, if the attacker is not in your firing arc, you may roll 1 additional defense die.")
- 2x TBD
- 1x TBD
- Proton Torpedo (tweak)
- Energy Torpedo (text TBD)
- R2-A6
ARC-170 Expansion Pack:LAAT/i Expansion Pack:
- 3X/2/3/3
- Focus, Target Lock
- Torpedo, Astromech, Crew
_/ /_ W/ /R _/_/W/W/W/_/_ _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/_/G/G/G/_
- PS2 Flight Seven Pilot (26pts, [generic text])
- PS4 Razor Squadron Pilot (28pts, [generic text])
- PS5 •"Odd Ball" (31pts, EPT, "When another friendly ship at Range 1 is defending, it may add 1 <evade> result to its defense roll.")
- PS7 •Captain Jag (33pts, EPT, "When attacking, you may reroll 1 of your blank results. If the defender's pilot skill is greater than "4", you may reroll any of your blank results.")
- Covering Fire (2pts, "Once per turn, when you perform a primary weapon attack, you may assign 1 evade token to a friendly ship inside the defender's firing arc (at Range 1-3).") (borrowed from a thread here that I can't find at the moment)
- Expert Handling (possible point adjust)
- Adv. Proton Torpedoes
- TBD, unique
- R3 Astromech (points tbd, "When you acquire a target lock, you may perform 1 free action from an equipped Upgrade card with the "ACTION:" header. Then roll 1 attack die. On a <damage> or <critical> result, receive 1 stress token.")
Delta-7 Aethersprite Expansion Pack:
- TBD, unique
- Gunner
- Recon Specialist
Delta-7 Aethersprite:
- 3V/3/2/1
- Focus, Barrel Roll, Evade
- Astromech
_/ /_ W/ /R _/W/W/G/W/W/R _/G/G/G/G/G/_ _/W/W/_/W/W
- PS1 KSE Test Pilot (18pts, "Advanced for its time, the Aethersprite's compact design forced the Jedi Order to rely on external hyperdrive rings well into the Clone Wars.")
- PS6 •Adi Gallia (24pts, EPT, "Once per turn, when another friendly ship at Range 1-3 performs an action, you may perform that action as a free action. Then receive 1 stress token.")
- PS7 •Obi-Wan Kenobi (26pts, EPT, "When defending, you may spend an evade token to convert 1 or more <focus> results to <evade> results.")
- PS8 •Plo Koon (28pts, EPT, "When you reveal your maneuver, you my instead perform a white (0■) maneuver. Then, receive 1 stress token after the Perform Action step.")
- •Veteran Instincts
- Decoy?
Eta-2 Actis Expansion Pack:
- R4 Astromech (ability TBD)
- R4-P17 (2pts, "When you are dealt a faceup damage card, you may discard it (without resolving its effect) and 1 equipped upgrade card. If you discard this card, receive 1 stress token.")(funny, this was before Integrated Astromech)
- R7-D4 (ability TBD)
Eta-2 Actis:
- 2V/4/2/0
- Focus, Barrel Roll, Boost, Evade
- Cannon, Astromech
G/ /R G/ /_ _/W/G/G/G/W/R _/G/W/G/W/G/_ _/W/_/R/_/W
- PS6 •Aayla Secura (24pts, EPT, "When you perform a boost or barrel roll, instead of the (1<leftbank>), (1<straight>), or (1<rightbank>) template, you may use the corresponding
(2<leftbank>), (2<straight>), or (2<rightbank>) template.")(I know, SE syntax is a little tricky to read. This predated TFA expansions, though)- PS7 •Mace Windu (25pts, EPT, "When you perform an action, you may receive 1 stress token to perform that action again.")
- PS8 •Saesee Tiin (26pts, EPT, "When you reveal a maneuver, you may rotate your dial to another maneuver of the same speed.")
- PS9 •Anakin Skywalker (28pts, EPT, "Immediately before you reveal your maneuver, you may perform 1 free action.")
- Daredevil
- Ion Cannon (same)
N-1 Starfighter Expansion Pack:
- •R2-D2 (ability TBD)
- •R3-D5 (ability TBD)
- •R4-M6 (ability TBD)
N-1 Starfighter:
- 2V/2/3/2
- Focus, Target Lock, Barrel Roll, Evade
- System, Torpedo, Astromech
R/ /_ W/ /R _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/W/G/G/G/W/R _/_/W/G/W/_
- PS2 Echo Flight Pilot (19pts, "Representing the pinnacle of Naboo military technology, the agile N-1 carries twin laser cannons and proton torpedoes, an armament well-suited to the patrol and escort roles it performs.")
- PS4 Bravo Squadron Pilot (21pts, [generic text])
- PS6 •Essara Till (24pts, EPT, "When a friendly ship at Range 1-2 performs a maneuver that would overlap another friendly ship, they may perform a free action.")
- PS7 •Gavin Sykes (25pts, EPT, "Immediately before you reveal a green maneuver, you may perform a free barrel roll action.")
- Autopilot (ability TBD, possible N-1 only)
V-19 Torrent Expansion Pack:
- 2x TBD unique
- R2 Astromech (1pt, "You may treat all 1- and 2-speed bank maneuvers (<lbank> or <rbank>) as green maneuvers.")(tweak prevents Delta/Eta from running green 1-turns)
V-19 Torrent:
- 3V/2/4/1
- Focus,Target Lock, Boost
- Missile
_/ /R R/ /_ _/W/G/G/G/W/_ _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/_/W/_/W/_
- PS2 Ghost Sq. Pilot (21pts, [generic text])
- PS4 Arrow Sq. Pilot (23pts, [generic text])
- PS5 •"Contrail" (26pts, EPT, "After you perform a boost action, you may acquire a target lock.")
- PS7 •Kaddak (28pts, EPT, "At the start of the combat phase, if you are not within Range 1 of a friendly ship, you may acquire an evade token.")
- TBD?
- Ion Pulse Missiles
- Concussion Missiles
V-Wing Expansion Pack:
- Ion-Injection Booster (points TBD, V-19 Torrent only, "Immediately after you execute a maneuver, you may execute another maneuver of the same speed from your dial. Then, decrease your primary weapon value by 1 until the end of this round.")(pseudo-SLAM)
- 2V/3/2/2
- Focus, Target Lock, Barrel Roll
- none
W/ /R G/ /_ _/W/W/G/W/W/R _/W/G/G/G/W/_ _/W/_/_/_/W
- PS2 Blade Flight Pilot (14pts, "A short-ranged starfighter developed by Walex Blissex, the V-Wing was deployed en masse during the latter half of the Clone Wars.")
- PS4 Squad Four Pilot (16pts, EPT, "Some V-Wings were adapted for heavier cannons and a bomb-deployment mechanism and all of the ships had a unique socket, incompatible with standard astromechs, for the experimental Q7.")
- PS6 •"Amp" (19pts, EPT, "Once per turn after you perform an attack, if you are inside the defender's firing arc, you may perform a free action.")
- PS7 •"Starks" (21pts, EPT, "After another friendly ship at Range 1 deals a faceup Damage card, the defender must flip one of their face-down Damage cards faceup.")
- Shock Cannon (4pts, ATK4, Range 1-3, "ATTACK: Attack 1 ship. When you perform this attack, you must roll 1 less attack die for each Range band beyond Range 1.")
- Nimbus/B V-Wing (2pts, V-Wing only, "Your upgrade bar gains the <cannon> and <bomb> upgrade icons. If you have a <cannon> upgrade card equipped, you cannot perform primary weapon attacks.")
- 2V/2/4/2
- Focus, Target Lock
- Turret, Turret, Missile, Missile, Crew
_/ /_ _/ /_ _/_/R/R/R/_/R _/W/W/G/W/W/R _/_/G/G/G/_ R
- PS1 127th Wing Pilot (17pts, "Bristling with powerful composite-beam lasers and air-to-air rockets, the LAAT/i ensured Republic supremacy over Geonosis and beyond.")
- PS4 104th Battalion Pilot (20pts, EPT, "Affectionately nicknamed the "larty" by the clone troopers it saved the LAAT/i gunship performed equally well in medevac and combat roles.")
- PS6 •"Fordo" (24pts, EPT, "Once per round, after you perform an attack that hits, you may perform a
secondary weapon attack on another enemy ship.") - PS7 •Captain Rex (24pts, EPT, "After you execute a maneuver, ships at Range 1 that execute a maneuver of the same difficulty may remove 1 stress token.")
- 1x TBD
- Composite Beam Turret (3pts, 2/<2–3>, "ATTACK: Attack 1 ship (even a ship outside your firing arc). If the target of this attack is at Range 3, roll 1 additional attack die.")
- Rocket Pods (3pts, 2/<1>, "ATTACK (FOCUS): Discard this card to perform this attack three times. Your dice results can only be cancelled or modified by the defender.")
- 1x TBD unique
- 1x TBD
- 1x TBD
BTL-B Y-Wing Expansion Pack:
- •Lucky Lekku (text TBD)
- •Muunilinst 10 (text TBD)
- Plo's Bros (1pt, "You may remove shield tokens from other friendly ships with this title as if they were your own.")
BTL-B Y-Wing:
- 2V/1/6/2
- Focus, Target Lock
- Turret, Torpedo, Bomb, Astromech
_/ /_ R/ /R _/R/W/R/W/R/_ _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/_/W/G/W/_
- PS2 Hunter Squadron Pilot (18pts, [generic text])
- PS4 Shadow Squadron Pilot (20pts, [generic text])
- PS5 •"Warthog" (22pts, "The first time you are assigned a facedown Damage card each round, immediately discard it.")
- PS7 •"Matchstick" (25pts, EPT, "If your attack is obstructed, roll 1 additional attack die.")
- Ion Cannon Turret (4pts, 3/<1–2>, "ATTACK: Attack 1 ship (even a ship outside your firing arc). If this attack hits, the defender receives 1 ion token. Then cancel 1 of your
Havoc Expansion Pack:
- 1x TBD unique
- 1x TBD unique
Scurrg H-6:
- 3O/1/6/5
- Focus, Target Lock
- Missile, Bomb, Bomb, Crew, Crew
_/ /_ W/ /R _/_/W/G/W/_/_ _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/_/G/G/G/_
- PS2 Space Pirate (35pts, "Built by the Nubian Design Collective, the prototype H-6 was stolen by the Lok Revenants and modified with a highly unstable bomblet generator.")
- PS3 •Kole (37pts, "Once per turn when attacking, you may cancel all your dice results. Then, set those dice to the results of an attack you defended against this round.")(wierd wording, but fitting this on the card was a pain)
- PS5 •Jinkins (40pts, EPT, "When a bomb that you dropped detonates, you may modify the
bomb's dice results as if you were performing an attack.")(SUCK EGGS,PalpatineSidious)- PS7 •Nym (42pts, EPT, "When you perform an attack against a ship inside your firing arc, the defender cannot modify defense dice.")
- Adv. Homing Missiles
- Cruise Missiles (ability TBD, I'm thinking either R3 only or R3-4)
- Proximity Mines
- Plasma Bombs (6pts, drop on reveal, "When this bomb token detonates, flip 1 facedown Damage card assigned to each ship at Range 1 faceup and resolve it. Then discard this token.")
- •Nym (ability TBD)
- •Kole (ability TBD)
Star Skiff Expansion Pack:
- •Havoc (ability TBD, bomb-related, possibly "bombs that you drop detonate twice")
J-type Star Skiff:
- 2V/3/4/4
- Focus, Target Lock, Boost
- System, Crew, Crew, Crew
_/ /R G/ /_ _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/R/W/G/W/R/_ _/_/W/W/W/_
- PS1 Royal House Pilot (28pts, "Traditionally weaponless, the onset of the Clone Wars saw a small number of royal starships fitted with laser cannons, although blistering speed remained their primary defense.")
- PS3 •C-3PO (32pts, "Once per turn when defending, you may receive a stress token to reroll all of your defense dice.")
- PS6 •Padmé Amidala (34pts, EPT, "You may choose not to perform any attacks this round. If you do, when another friendly ship is attacked this round, you may cancel all of the attacker's dice results.")
- PS8 •Captain Typho (37pts, EPT, "At the start of the combat phase, if you are inside the firing arc of at least 1 enemy ship, you may assign 1 focus token to your ship.")
- •Obi-Wan Kenobi
- •C-3PO
- •G8-R3
Jedi Aces Pack:
Belbullab-22 Expansion Pack:HMP Droid Expansion Pack:
- 3V/1/6/2
- Focus, Boost
- Bomb, System
_/ /_ R/ /_ _/_/W/W/W/_/R _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/R/G/G/G/R
- PS2 OOM Pilot Droid (22pts, [generic text])
- PS5 Techno Union Ace (25pts, EPT, [generic text])
- PS6 •Namman Cha (27pts, EPT, "At the start of the Combat phase, if you are at Range 1 of at least 1 enemy ship, you may perform a free action.")
- PS8 •General Grievous (30pts, EPT, "Once per turn, after you perform an attack that hits, if there is an enemy ship at Range 1, you may perform another primary attack.")
- Ruthlessness (3pts, CIS only. "After you perform an attack that hits, you must choose 1 other ship at Range 1 of the defender (other than yourself). That ship suffers 1 damage.")
- Fire-Control System
- Ion Bombs
- •Impervium Hull (5pts, "The first time you are dealt a faceup Damage card each round, you may immediately flip it facedown (without resolving its ability).")(maybe 6pts)
Droid Tri-fighter Expansion Pack:
- •Soulless One (1pt, Belbullab-22 only, "You may equip up to 2 different modification cards (instead of 1). If you equip a Modification, its squad point cost is reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 0).")
Droid Tri-fighter:
- 3V/3/5/0
- Focus, Target Lock, Barrel Roll, Boost
- Missile, Cannon
G/ /_ G/ /_ W/_/W/G/W/_/_ _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/R/_/_/_/R
- PS3 Trident Group Droid (31pts, [generic text])
- PS5 Hunter-Killer Droid (33pts, EPT, [generic text])
- PS6 •"Bloodhound" (35pts, "When attacking, if you are outside the defender's firing arc, you may acquire a focus token.")
- PS7 •"Eradicator" (36pts, EPT, "After you perform an attack that hits, you may acquire a target lock.")
- Predator (same)
- Adv. Homing Missiles (same)
Geonosian Starfighter Expansion Pack:
- Networked Reflexes (3pts, "DROID ONLY. MODIFICATION. When you perform an action, 1 other Droid ship at Range 1-2 may perform a free barrel roll action.")
Geonosian Starfighter:
- 2—/3/3/1
- Focus, Evade, Barrel Roll
- no native slots
_/ /_ G/ /_ _/W/W/G/W/W/_ R/_/G/G/G/_/_ _/W/G/_/G/W
- PS2 Hive Pilot (15pts, [generic text])
- PS4 Confessor Group Pilot (16pts, [generic text])
- PS5 Picador Group Pilot (18pts, EPT, [generic text])
- PS8 •Sun Fac (22pts, EPT, "When you reveal a red maneuver, you may increase or decrease its speed by 1 (to a minimum of 1).")(honestly he shouldn't be PS8, but eh, PS is a wierd abstract)
- Lightning Reflexes
- Flechette Cannon (2pts, ATK3, Range 1-3, "Attack 1 ship. If this attack hits, the defender suffers 1 damage and receives 1 stress token. Then cancel all dice results.")
Hyena Droid Expansion Pack:
- Modular Orb (points tbd, "Your upgrade bar gains the <cannon> upgrade icon. You cannot perform attacks from your auxiliary firing arc.")
- Engine Upgrade(possibly Small ship only)
Hyena Droid:
- 2V/2/5/0
- Focus, Target Lock
- Torpedo, Torpedo, Missile, Missile, Bomb (okay, so this probably needs to be less TIE/sa)
_/ /_ R/ /_ R/_/W/W/W/_/_ _/W/G/G/G/W/_ _/_/W/W/W/_
- PS1 Assault Wing Droid (14pts, [generic text])
- PS3 Strike Wing Droid (16pts, [generic text])
- PS5 •HELIOS-3D (19pts, EPT, "When you acquire a target lock, each other friendly Droid ship at Range 1-2 may acquire a target lock.")
- PS7 •TJ-912 (21pts, EPT, "After you perform an attack that does not hit, if you are at Range 1 of the defender, you may receive 1 damage to deal 1 damage to the defender.")
Porax-38 Expansion Pack:
- Cluster Mines
- 3V/2/2/3
- Focus, Target Lock
- System (honestly, this thing is dead boring, no munitions, no cannon, no nothing)
W/ /R G/ /_ _/W/W/G/W/W/R _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/_/W/G/W/_
- PS2 Skyforce Pilot (20pts, [generic text])
- PS4 MagnaGuard Pilot (22pts, [generic text])
- PS5 •Zolghast (24pts, "After you perform an attack that hits, you may receive 1 stress token to assign 1 ion token to the defender.")
- PS7 •Cad Bane (26pts, EPT, "Once per turn, after an enemy ship at Range 1-3 is hit, you may cancel 1 of the attacker's <damage> results to assign
1 stress token to the defender.")(note "after", it should still put uncancelled-1 results through even if removing the result would have caused the attack to cancel fully)
- Bodyguard
- •Cad Bane
Vulture Droid Expansion Pack:
- •Xanadu Blood (1pt, Porax-38 only, "Your upgrade bar gains the <crew> upgrade icon. When you perform a focus action, you may instead perform an evade action.")
Vulture Droid:
- 2V/3/2/0
- Focus, Target Lock, Evade
- Torpedo, Missile*
_/ /_ W/ /_ R/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/W/G/G/G/W/_ _/W/G/_/G/W
- PS1 DFS Mk.1 Droid (11pts, [generic text]
- PS3 DFS Mk.1 Droid (12pts, [generic text]
- PS5 88th Flight Droid (15pts, missile slot, EPT, [generic text])
- PS6 •"Iron Assembler" (16pts, missile slot, EPT, "When a friendly ship at Range 1 is dealt a faceup Damage card with the Pilot trait, they may discard that card (without resolving its effect).")
- Swarm Tactics
- Discord Missiles
- Control Signal Relay (3pts, CIS only, non-Droid only, "Once per turn, immediately after you perform an action, you may choose one Droid ship at Range 1-3. That ship may immediately perform a free action.")(card is old text, need to update. I kind of want to make the other mod a version that's unique but lets the droid ship perform an action off the relay ship's bar)
HMP Droid:
- 3—/1/2/4
- Focus, Target Lock, Barrel Roll
- Torpedo, Missile, Missile, Cannon
_/ /_ _/ /_ _/_/W/W/W/_/_ R/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/W/G/W/G/W W
- PS2 C78 Division Droid (21pts, "Manufactured indiscriminately by Separatist member worlds to minimize production losses, the HMP droid saw combat across the galaxy.")
- PS4 K33 Division Droid (22pts, "Heavily-armed, with five laser cannons and modular ordnance racks, the HMP gunship was designed to strike fear into the Republic.")
- PS5 •"Blastwave" (24pts, EPT, "Immediately before you are destroyed, you may perform a primary attack against 1 enemy ship at Range 1-2 (even a ship outside your firing arc).")
- PS6 •"Concussor" (26pts, EPT, "When you perform an attack with a
or secondary weapon that costs "3" or fewer squad points, do not discard that card.")
- EMP Missiles (4pts, 4/<2-3>, "ATTACK (TARGET LOCK): Discard this card to perform this attack. If this attack hits, the defender cannot perform actions until the end of the next round.")
Sith Infiltrator Expansion Pack:
Sith Infiltrator:
- 2V/2/4/3
- Focus, Target Lock, Cloak
- System, Crew, Crew
_/ /_ _/ /_ _/_/R/G/R/_/_ _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/_/W/G/W/_
- PS2 Sienar Fleet Courier (28pts, [generic text])
- PS3 •Fa'ale Leh (31pts, "When you are defending at Range 1-2, treat the range of the attack as Range 3.")
- PS6 •Yansu Grjak (34pts, EPT, "At the start of the activation phase, you may choose 1 enemy ship inside your firing arc at Range 1-3. That ship cannot perform boost or barrel roll actions this round.")
- PS8 •Darth Maul (38pts, EPT, "Immediately after you decloak, each enemy ship at Range 1 receives 1 stress token.")
- Sensor Jammer
- •Darth Sidious (8pts, 2 slots, CIS only, "Once per round, you may change a friendly ship's die result to any other die result. That die result cannot be modified again.")(briefly considered allowing him to change ANY dice result because thematic, but probably broken)
- •Darth Maul (ability TBD)
- Intelligence Agent?
- Stygium Particle Accelerator
- Solar Ionization Cannons (4pts, Sith Infiltrator only, "You may perform attacks while cloaked. After you perform an attack, reduce your agility value by 1 until the end of the round.")(could have costing tweaked, I also considered removing the "until the end of the round" bit so it degrades AGI constantly)
Slave I Expansion Pack:
- •Scimitar (ability tbd)
- 4X/2/6/4
- Focus, Target Lock, Evade
- Torpedo, Missile, Bomb, Crew
_/ /_ W/ /R _/W/W/G/W/W/R _/W/W/G/W/W/_ _/_/G/G/G/_
- PS3 Kuati System Enforcer (36pts, [generic text])
- PS5 •Aurra Sing (39pts, EPT, "When you perform a primary attack at Range 3, you may change all of your blank results to <focus> results.")
- PS6 •Hondo Ohnaka (40pts, EPT, "At the start of the Combat phase, you may choose 1 enemy ship at Range 1-2. That ship receives 1 stress token for each of its focus or evade tokens.")(okay, so he's not really a seppie, but there are few good options and I didn't want to do kid!Boba because that's silly)
- PS8 •Jango Fett (42pts, EPT, "When attacking or defending, you may reroll 1 of your blank results for each friendly ship at Range 1-2, up to 2 blank results.")
- Tracker Torpedoes (will probably steal XX-23 text)
- Homing Missiles (possible tweaks)
- Seismic Charges
- •Zam Wesell
- •Jango Fett
- •Slave I (ability tbd)
Sheathipede Expansion Pack:
- 2V/1/5/6
- Focus, Target Lock
- Crew, Crew, Crew
_/ /_ W/ /_ _/_/W/W/W/_/_ _/R/G/G/G/R/_ _/R/W/G/W/R R
- PS1 Integrated Droid (22pts, "Modeled after Neimoidian beetles, Sheathipede-class shuttles—often heavily shielded—served as personal transports for many of the Trade Federation's leaders.")
- PS3 •Braxus Lyn (25pts, "Once per turn, when another friendly ship is defending, you may spend a focus token to cancel one of the attacker's dice results.")
- PS6 •TA-175 (28pts "When another friendly ship at Range 1–2 performs an action, it may perform a free action if you have not activated this round.")
- PS8 •General Grievous (30pts, EPT, "Once per turn after you perform an attack that hits, if there is an enemy ship at Range 1, you may perform another primary attack.")
- •Count Dooku
- •Nute Gunray
- •Wat Tambor
- •General Grievous
- TBD CIS only.
- TBD CIS only.
- •Lapiz Cutter (ability tbd)
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