
[Heroes of the Resistance] What We Know (and why it will never be the same)

Heroes of the Resistance Expansion Pack:


YT-1300 (TFA scheme/model)
  • 3O/1/8/5
  • Focus, Target Lock
  • Missile, Crew, Crew

T-70 X-Wing (Black One scheme)
  • 3V/2/3/3
  • Focus, Target Lock, Boost
  • Torpedo, Astromech, Tech

  • PS3 Resistance... (YT-1300)
  • PS5 •Chewbacca (unknown ability) (YT-1300)
  • PS8 •Rey (45pts, EPT, "When attacking or defending, if the enemy ship is inside your firing arc, you may reroll up to 2 of your blank results.") (YT-1300)
  • PS9 •Han Solo (unknown ability) (YT-1300)
  • PS2 Blue Squadron Pilot (T-70 X-Wing)
  • PS4 Red Squadron Veteran (T-70 X-Wing)
  • PS3 •Jes... (probably Jessika Pava)(unknown pts, "Wh... you... each...") (T-70 X-Wing)
  • PS6 •"Snap" Wexley (unknown pts, EPT, "After... 4-speed... touch...") (T-70 X-Wing)
  • PS7 •Nien Nunb (unknown pts, EPT, "When... if th... your... ...") (T-70 X-Wing)
  • PS9 •Poe Dameron (33pts, EPT, "While attacking or defending, if you have a focus token, you may change 1 of your <focus> results to a <hit> or <evade> result.") (T-70 X-Wing)
  • M...
  • •Rey
  • •Finn
  • Bur... S... ("LARGE SHIP ONLY. Your action... action... After you... action, ...")
  • 2x Pat... Ana... ("When executing... you may re... Pilot S... the "Perform... (instead of...)
  • 2x Integrated Astromech
  • Smu... Comp... (probably Smuggling Compartment) ()
  • •Millennium Falcon (1pt, "YT-1300 ONLY. TITLE. After you execute a 3-speed bank maneuver <leftbank> or <rightbank>), if you are not touching another ship and you are not stressed, you may receive 1 stress token to rotate your ship 180°.")
  • •Black One (1pt, "T-70 X-WING ONLY. TITLE. After you perform a boost or barrel roll action, you may remove 1 enemy target lock from a friendly ship at Range 1. You cannot equip this card if your pilot skill is "5" or lower.")
  • 2x Trick ... (probably EPT)
  • 2x Snap S... (probably EPT)
  • Pr... Thru...
  • Hot... Co... (probably crew)
  • 2x Focus
  • 8x Shield
  • 2x Stress
  • 1x Weapons Disabled
  • 2x orange 'aurek' token (probably for mission)
  • 2x blue 'besh' token (probably for mission)
  • 2x purple 'cresh' token (probably for mission)


Unknown said...

OneKelvin, from the X-Wing forum

I wrote "Very nice but a bit dated, eh? =P" and then found out very quickly that Google comments will send when you press enter.

The other bit that I wanted to say was that I think it's shame you got busted off the X-Wing forum, and I hope it hasn't turned you off the game. (In fact the SJWs are leaking in now with their incredible righteousness, and I don't think it'd be a bad thing at all if someone whipped up another account and jumped back into the fray. *Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.*)

Regardless, I enjoyed your comments an conversation while you were online and I hope this message finds you well enough. Happy flying!

Tipperary said...

Oh boy I still get email alerts for this blog.

I still play (I'm actually close enough to a store for physical games now which is nice), just entirely offline. I stopped updating the blog because there's really not much point cataloguing expansions if people aren't going to have easy access to that info (which compared to the forums...).

Pretty much the same for the PT extension - I simply can't get feedback on a useful scale without the forums, so it's not really viable to get it balanced.

I've had an alt account since before the ban (just never used it), and I think they don't actually prohibit alt accounts so it's whatever. The only shit I really cared about on the forums at that point was cataloguing and the prequel stuff, and I can't very well do that from an alt account without worrying about mod wrath (as absentee as they are).

SJWs (I prefer 'ctrl-left' :P) are a dying breed and impossible to convince anyway, just take reasonable arguments to them and ignore the vaster stupidities, anyone worth saving will see reason.

Most of the forum posters have blurred together a bit at this point (I've been busy (and gotten a helluva lot better, but that's a long story that doesn't go on the internet, deep stealth is paramount)), but I don't remember hating you so I probably enjoyed talking to you as well ^~^ Shoot an Interceptor for me!

Unknown said...

Will do! (At the very least, me playing Imperials I can almost guarantee that Interceptors will be blasted in the line of duty =P.)